Thursday 28 December 2006

Back Working! Christmas

Long and boring process but my blogs working again now! Anyway yes, hardcore week is over but long live harcore holiday! I saw the hardcore week as more a way to give me the drive to move on and carry the momentum to continue with my new healthier lifestyle. Obviously, I didn't do so well over christmas keeping up the regim but i did go for a run on xmas day and one on the eve. I also found, (on christmas eve) that the green next to me has trees absolutly amazing for training bouldering. They dont have branches for about 15ft but large bulbs sticking out and on some, shaven off branches making great grip holds, (if you can imadgen what it looks like.) So, until the climbing walls up, the capoeira classes are started again and the gym open, (all after new year) Barnes common is going to be the basis for my training grounds, good pull ups, close to my house and lachés make it a perfect place to train. Im also gonna get my pk training up, its been difficult reacently as the person i wanted to mainly train with this holiday has been found out stealing off mates which in my eyes is unforgivable so he is no longer a friend.

Anyway so, up early training and reviseing meaning this bad boys off to bed!


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